Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's a handmade Christmas....... 
One of my customers requested several card sets to give as gifts for Christmas.  She has been planning on trying to do all her shopping locally, which I think is a great idea!    She is going to give several people on her list a set of cards, a homemade goodie and earrings made by another local artist.  What a fantastic gift idea!   

I still have several more to make, this is just the first big batch.  All of them have been embossed, some of them have several layers.  
If you have any questions about product or technique, please feel free to leave a comment!


p.s. Sorry the pictures are not very good, it has been non-stop rain here so I had to take them by the window and I  was sick on top of that, so my heart wasn't into the photography that day!  After a  steroid shot, antibiotics and a decongestant I feel like superwoman now!  :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

All Hallow's Eve happenings.......

Card for Meg's secret pal at school.  Embossed, several times, then brayered and sponged with background.  Had a little oops with the embossing powder and as you can see there are several white dots around the vampire.  Apparently I didn't get all the little stray pieces of powder off and so those places remained white.  It's ok tho, as we all now know, vampires sparkle.  So this is our sparkly vampire, Edward!  HA!

Also the envelope had to be decorated!
Love the Martha Stewart Goo punch!

Who is that masked Grannie?  & " Sarah the Witch"  (Addie, looks very different with blonde hair!) 
Addie and me carving the pumpkin.

Outside decorations.  One of my favorite things is setting up the patio with decorations.  We have collected several cool ones over the years.

Mr. Heartbroken is a new addition this year.  He was waiting on his lovely lady, and she never showed.  He died right there on that bench, with a rose in his hand.  AWWW....poor guy!

Well, that's a wrap...hope you had a fun, safe Halloween!
